Thursday, January 3, 2013

No Turning Back Now ...Opps

With the first day of the blog up and running to the public I found many responses of interest and awkwardness. Making my normal 7a.m. trek to the local Cenex gas station for my morning soda and to purchase the days' Mankato Free Press, I snatched up the paper from its pile and almost vomited from the surprise of seeing the front of my stunned-face kisser. The title Blogging From Jail in bold letters didn't leave much for the imagination. Swallowing back the emotional vomit in my mouth I went to pay for my publication. I slowly slid the paper onto the counter and before I had the chance to cover my new profile pic with my winter gloves, the 20 some year old attendant had to open with the question, “Isn't that you?” while hesitantly pointing to my picture. I answered her the truth and she followed with, “well what are you doing here?”

“I'm just getting the paper.” I answered. I then grabbed my things and was on my way. I should have said, “If you really want to know READ THE BLOG” in my best Louis Black voice.

Getting to work I'll admit I was a little nervous to see the reaction of my co-workers. I'm not a big talker when it comes to my work environment. But through the day of poster printing and banner making I found myself being approached by a hand full of co-workers that I'd never talked to for more then 2 minutes since my start of working there. People were sensing vulnerability from the blog to the point of approaching me with interest. Stories being told to me of hard times and anger. People were voicing their stories to me; opening themselves up to a stranger. Like I've, said I'm not a very open person, but in the span of one day, this blog has opened a flood tunnel of past emotions, not just from me but from other people. I'm not quite sure where it will lead in the next few weeks, but I know the more open I get with you, the more open you will be with me. I'm not sure if i'm ready for that, but the blog is very quickly turning into an easily accessible social experiment.

As the night went on, errands consisting of picking up retainers for my piercing and drinking my final cups of coffee took up space in time and in my mind. My phone continues to ring with messages of worry expressed through swear words and question marks. Everything is ok, the experiment is in full start mode, and I can already see it's future progression.

Today proved that I'm not the only one who's had experiences that have switched from good to “bad” in a heartbeat. But that's the nice thing about a heartbeat; they happen in a swift kick, either in the ass or in the mind, where it lands is up to you. 

The dots in this photo represent my co-workers who spoke with me about their stories before 2pm. Red dots representing females and blue dots males. Through the day more dots developed.


1 comment:

  1. Dana! Holy balls! You are a total rockstar, and I am impressed with and excited about this idea of yours! :) I, for one, will be reading daily AND I promise not to correct any grammar or spelling. Sometimes I feel like I can't help myself and then I hate myself after I do it - it's like an addiction, really -- but I promise to keep it to myself! Really, you're absolutely right: spelling and grammar count for shit, in regards to substance and sincere meaning and impact. Those things you obviously have an abundance of. :)

    Rock on, and let us know if you want us to smuggle anything in to you!

    Hearts & shite,
